Portraits in times of pandemic

September 06, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

The challenge of finding beauty behind a mask. 

For many months I put my camera on the side. First we couldn't leave the house, later we couldn't go far, and then, I felt people were hiding behind a mask. 

New identities were never fully in scene, the ones I knew - there were times I couldn't recognize. It was weird and sad at the same time. I couldn't see their full expression to capture beauty. 

Then I realized this is all part of history. Of life. Not only changes needed to be done, but there was a need of one self adjustment. It was a time to challenge my creativity and show that there is beauty behind every mask. 

For the next days, weeks, months and perhaps year. I will be sharing photographs that eventually will become stories. Stories that can change a whole nation.

You can also follow on instagram at - @nabilsami9 for more photos

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