Nabil Sami Photography - 2020 in Photos

December 31, 2020  •  1 Comment

This selection of photographs is a glimpse of 2020 in photos from my point of view. It is important to clarify that these photos does not translate the feelings, moments, emotions or how I really felt this past year. Just like many other people express, this year wasn't easy. For many reasons, it was a year of a lot of pain. But I decided to surround myself with positivity, beauty and with people that could uplift my spirit. I decided to use the pain to strengthen myself and use the energy for greater purposes. The truth is; 2020 happened, it is a historical year and should not be forgotten, and tomorrow, it is just a continuation of it. The only difference is that we now call 2021.  

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Brian Kurzius(non-registered)
Such a nice selection Nabil! And a reminder that there was a beautiful world before covid -- and will be after :-)
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