The 19 Terraces. – A Beautiful and Majestic Path

March 30, 2020  •  8 Comments

As we contemplate the following photographs, the viewer will have a spiritual connection through images and explanations of the Terraces, surrounding the Shrine of the Báb. 

"In a period where we live a real explosion of information that reaches us from every sensory means, we need to learn the difference between “to see” and “to gaze” something. What we see, it passes by. Since the act of seeing it is almost a reflection, therefore, a transitory effect. What we gaze, we register and feel. But we need to go beyond gazing: we need to connect profoundly with the space around us." - Iradj Eghrari

“The gardens which surround that structure (Shrine of the Báb), in their rich variety of colours and plants,

are a reminder that the human race can live harmoniously in all its diversity.

The light that shines from the central edifice is as a beacon of hope to the countless multitudes

who yearn for a life that satisfies the soul as well as the body." - The Universal House of Justice

The fragrance of the roses, the diversity of the plants, the petunias, santolina, geranium, marigold, snapdragon, and the smaller cactus.  The diversity in colors; red, yellow, purple, black or white. The green of the grass and trees.


The view of the bay...  

..and its 19 terraces. – A beautiful and majestic path.

The fountains.

The marble and bronze eagles.

The lampposts.

The lights that illumine the mountain.

"Shoghi Effendi - like the Master before him - was a great lover of light. He hated gloomy interiors... the Shrines were all full of lights, large and small, and one of his first acts as Guardian was to have placed over the door of the Bab's Shrine that faces the terraces and the straight avenue at the foot of the mountain that leads to the sea, a bright light." - The Priceless Pearl, Rúhíyyih Rabbání


 “This beautiful and majestic path, which extends from the Shrine of the Báb to the City of Haifa in line with the greatest avenue of that blessed city, which is adorned with trees and verdant paths and illumined with bright lights, which is the object of admiration of the people of this region and source of joy and pride to the authorities of this land...” -  Shoghi Effendi





کوس عمه نبیل و بها الله
HostGator black Friday offers(non-registered)
I loved that nature images... nature pictures always look fresh...they give us positive energy.
Nahid Rohani(non-registered)
Love every detail about the pictures and love the writings that accompany them. Brings remarkable memories.
Thank you for this gift. Now that the world is going through this wealth crisis these images give us happiness and hope.
Ruth Shafa(non-registered)
- Olhando através da imagem -

Esta série nos convida e inspira à reflexões iminentes e nos chega em momento oportuno.
As imagens como mensagem nos convidam a conectar com aquele olhar peregrino, repleto de significado e prenhe de amor, que nos faz recordar nosso verdadeiro designo e nos remete ao Ponto Primaz que, através de sua revolucionária história, conduz e eleva a humanidade de sua própria condição nos apontando o caminho e a direção à seguir através de Seu legado de Esperança.

Obrigada Nabil
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